Everything you need to be a

Single Mom by Choice

Hey there, super woman! Dive into a journey designed to empower you with the skill set to confidently navigate the adventures of single parenting. In this transformational experience, you'll latch onto practical tools and strategies for financial wellness, time management, and self-care essentials—all while building a supportive community with fellow women who get it. Whether you're undecided or ready to find your donor immediately, this is the ultimate program. You're already a pro at juggling life's curveballs; now it's time to add some extra finesse to your impressive repertoire. 

Picture this: you're not just managing a household; you're acing efficiency like a seasoned CEO. Plus, the confidence you'll gain won't just make waves at home; it'll ripple through to your workplace, social life, and the example you set for your kiddos. Now, let's get you equipped to thrive in the world of independent motherhood, one empowering lesson at a time!

What you will learn

We started pulling this course together with the recognition that stepping into motherhood on your own terms can be as empowering as it is challenging. It's been carefully crafted from the ground up to ensure that every lesson is a stepping stone towards self-reliance and confidence. By tapping into the collective wisdom of experienced solo parents, donor-conceived adults, and expert advice, we've mapped out a journey that will arm you with practical skills, emotional support strategies, and financial savvy. It's designed to be your personal toolkit, fitting into your lifestyle at your own pace. The beauty of this course lies in its structure—each section builds on the last, with resources and activities that I've seen truly make a difference. And it doesn't stop at just 'getting by'; this is about thriving and creating the best possible life for you and your little one—know that I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

Example Curriculum

  Introduction to Single Mom Mindset
Available in days
days after you enroll
  SMBC Preparation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Financial Empowerment
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Journey Ahead
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Life of Mom
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Raising a Happy Donor-Conceived Child
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Wearing all the Hats
Available in days
days after you enroll
  You've Got This
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your instructor

Candice Katherine is a devoted mentor with nearly a decade of experience in empowering women through knowledge and skill-building. Her journey as a single mom has been driven by the belief that independence and self-sufficiency are fundamental cornerstones for success, especially for mothers striving to balance the demands of parenthood with personal growth and stability. The culmination of years spent mentoring and guiding women to overcome challenges has equipped her with a deep understanding of the unique needs and strengths that mothers bring to the table. Her connection to the Single Mom Mindset course is deeply personal and professional. As an independent mother herself, she's navigated the complexities of raising children while pursuing career ambitions and self-improvement. This course reflects not just her expertise but also her passion for helping women find their power in an ever-changing world. She is committed to creating a supportive and practical learning environment that equips mothers with the tools they need to lead independent, confident, and fulfilling lives. Her goal is to share knowledge and strategies that foster resilience and self-reliance, and she's excited to guide each participant on their journey to independence.


Harnessing Strength and Confidence for Solo



Adapting and Thriving in Single Motherhood


Mastering Self-sufficiency for Dynamic Motherhood