Are You:

Feeling overwhelmed by the thought of becoming a single mom by choice?

Struggling to find reliable information and support?

Worried about financial stability and work-life balance?

Single Mom Mindset is the Solution:

Comprehensive step-by-step guidance.

Community support and expert advice.

Financial planning and emotional resilience tools.

Your Future Awaits

Hey there, super woman! Dive into a journey designed to empower you with the skill set to confidently navigate the adventures of single parenting. In this transformational experience, you'll latch onto practical tools and strategies for financial wellness, time management, and self-care essentials—all while building a supportive community with fellow women who get it. Whether you're undecided or ready to find your donor immediately, this is the ultimate program. You're already a pro at juggling life's curveballs; now it's time to add some extra finesse to your impressive repertoire. 

Picture this: you're not just managing a household; you're acing efficiency like a seasoned CEO. Plus, the confidence you'll gain won't just make waves at home; it'll ripple through to your workplace, social life, and the example you set for your kiddos. Now, let's get you equipped to thrive in the world of independent motherhood, one empowering lesson at a time!

Hear From Our Thriving Moms

"Before joining SMM, I was overwhelmed by the idea of becoming a single mom by choice. The program broke everything down into manageable steps, from understanding the financial implications to emotional preparation. I now feel empowered and ready to embark on this journey with confidence. It’s truly a life-changing experience."
— Sarah L., Toronto, ON

"I always wanted to be a mom, but the fear of doing it alone held me back. The Single Mom Mindset program not only helped me navigate the logistics but also boosted my confidence. I’m now raising a beautiful baby boy, and I couldn’t have done it without SMM. It’s the best investment I’ve ever made in myself."
— Jenna M., Portland, ME

"I wasn’t sure if I could handle being a single mom, but SMM gave me the confidence and knowledge I needed. The program’s detailed approach to every aspect of the journey, from conception to postpartum, made me feel prepared and supported. Today, I’m a proud single mom by choice, and I owe so much of that to SMM."
— Lisa S., Ottawa, ON

"The SMM program was exactly what I needed when I was considering becoming a single mom. The emotional support and practical advice were invaluable. The community aspect made me feel less alone, and I’ve made lifelong friends through this journey. I recommend SMM to any woman considering this path."
— Amanda D., Norwich, UK

"SMM gave me the tools I needed to make the decision to become a single mom by choice. The financial planning modules were a game-changer for me, and the supportive community has been incredible. I’m now pregnant and couldn’t be more excited for what’s to come. This program was worth every penny!"
— Emma R.,

Ready to Take Control of Your Future?

Join the countless women who have transformed their lives with Single Mom Mindset

Your instructor

Candice Katherine is a devoted mentor with nearly a decade of experience in empowering women through knowledge and skill-building. Her journey as a single mom has been driven by the belief that independence and self-sufficiency are fundamental cornerstones for success, especially for mothers striving to balance the demands of parenthood with personal growth and stability. The culmination of years spent mentoring and guiding women to overcome challenges has equipped her with a deep understanding of the unique needs and strengths that mothers bring to the table. Her connection to the Single Mom Mindset course is deeply personal and professional. As an independent mother herself, she's navigated the complexities of raising children while pursuing career ambitions and self-improvement. This course reflects not just her expertise but also her passion for helping women find their power in an ever-changing world. She is committed to creating a supportive and practical learning environment that equips mothers with the tools they need to lead independent, confident, and fulfilling lives. Her goal is to share knowledge and strategies that foster resilience and self-reliance, and she's excited to guide each participant on their journey to independence.

Example Curriculum

  Introduction to Single Mom Mindset
Available in days
days after you enroll
  SMBC Preparation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Financial Empowerment
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Journey Ahead
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Life of Mom
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Raising a Happy Donor-Conceived Child
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Wearing all the Hats
Available in days
days after you enroll
  You've Got This
Available in days
days after you enroll

Why SMM is for You

Lifetime access to all materials and updates ✔️
Exclusive community of like-minded women ✔️
Direct access to expert coaching ✔️
Proven strategies for financial and emotional resilience ✔️

Invest in Your Future


"How do I know if becoming a Single Mom by Choice (SMBC) is right for me?"

This decision is deeply personal and unique to every woman. SMM provides tools and resources to help you assess your readiness, including financial planning, emotional preparedness, and support from a community of like-minded women.

"What if I have limited financial resources? Can I still become a SMBC?"

Yes, the SMM program includes comprehensive financial planning modules to help you budget and plan for the future. We also offer flexible payment plans to make the program accessible to more women.

"How does the program support me after I've become a SMBC?"

SMM offers ongoing support through post-program resources, including parenting tips, work-life balance strategies, and access to a supportive community of other single moms by choice.

"What if I’m unsure about using a sperm donor?"

The program covers all aspects of donor selection, including ethical considerations, legal implications, and personal reflections. We provide expert advice and connect you with professionals who can guide you through this decision.

"Is this program only for women who want to become single moms by choice, or can it help those who are single moms by circumstance?"

While SMM is designed with SMBC in mind, many of the principles, strategies, and resources are applicable to any single mom, whether by choice or circumstance.

"How long does it take to complete the program?"

SMM is designed to be flexible, allowing you to work at your own pace. On average, participants complete the program in 8-12 weeks, but you can take longer if needed.

"What kind of support will I receive during the program?"

You’ll have access to a supportive online community, live Q&A sessions, and one-on-one coaching opportunities. We’re here to ensure you feel empowered and supported every step of the way.
"What makes SMM different from other programs?"

SMM is tailored specifically for women considering the path of single motherhood by choice. It covers the unique challenges and opportunities you’ll face, providing holistic support—from emotional readiness to financial planning—unlike any other program.

"What happens if I change my mind about becoming a SMBC during the program?"

The program is designed to help you make an informed decision. If you choose a different path, the skills and insights you gain will still be valuable in other areas of your life. Your journey is yours, and we respect and support whatever decision you make.

"How do I access the program materials?"

Once you enroll, you’ll receive immediate access to all program materials via our online platform. You can log in at any time to complete the modules at your own pace.


Harnessing Strength and Confidence for Solo



Adapting and Thriving in Single Motherhood


Mastering Self-sufficiency for Dynamic Motherhood